Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Ugh. I really can't justify purchasing more yarn when I'm low on money when I've got this:
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for stash and this:

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for work's in progress. Yeah it's less than most but I'm moving away to college (oh who am I kidding I'll be home every stinking weekend!) and really want to start buying nice yarn. Not cheap acrylic. I'm more about quality vs. quantity. Technically, I suppose you could say I had more stash than WIP's yarn considering the alpaca (dark grey hanks) and mysterious type of Irish yarn (white in the clear bag) have yet to be worked on but...They have plans. The Alpaca is set for that pullover I've been lusting over and the Irish Yarn I'll make into some kind of shawl. Depending on how much I have I was thinking of doing This Shawl from Elann.com.

However, I really want to get through the crappy acrylic, the soft yet still annoying acrylic and various other yarns before I move on. That being said, I'm going to be crocheting blankets for the Binky Patrol that Bear's Quilt Shop hosts. It can be any type of blanket (adult, child, teen, baby/knitted, crocheted, quilted) as long as it's hand made. I'm almost done with a granny square one (not shown) and have started on a boy's baby blanket. If you'd like to help out let me know and we can get in touch. :D Well I'm off to crochet until I get tired then sew up the granny squares (which is why it's not done yet).


Cactusneedles said...

i know the money was spent on the yarn, but if you wanted to deplete some of the stash you could donate it to a pre-school or something. The kids will find something to do with it.

TheWench said...

The money counter is all things knitted. :) Books, classes, yarn, needles,patterns, etc... And I'm all for giving away yarn, and have called up the quilt shop to see if they want it for the Binky Patrol. I'd rather see it made into a blanket for someone rather than a glue/macroni/yarn object d'art that winds up in the trash (Boo to that kid art is awesome). I'll for sure check into it though to at least give some away. :) Thanks for the suggestion.