Friday, May 18, 2007

School's Out!

Yea!...Kind of. Melancholy and all that. Two of the three classes I took I'm pleased are done (if only so I can relax in the week) but one I'm bummed out about. The teacher was awesome and I wish he could just teach all my history classes. Only two problems with that; A: I'm majoring in Medieval Europe History (he teaches US) and B: He doesn't teach at LB unless there is something he's not telling me. It's hard to find a teacher who "Light's you up" as my Uncle Tommy says- so when you do, you want to hang on to them for as long as you can.

However, Summer is now upon me and with only a Ceramic's Lab to look forward to school wise I'm FREE...Monday through Thursday. That means I've got a TON of knitting I can do. Hazza. I did wear my Bamboo Shirt today and it didn't fall off. Can I get a "Thank God!"?

So if you remember, My stash was largish (if you don't scroll down) and now look at it!
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Prime stuff too! You've got your wool, merino. cashmerino, mohair, ALPACA! How I love the alpaca. So, ok there are still some acrylics in there but they are super soft and are going to be made into those blankets for the Binky Patrol. So there. :P

Also here is a picture of my project yarn (which so does not count as stash). I'm starting on the dark grey on Monday-I can hardly wait!!
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I've done quite a bit of knitting on the Greetings from Knit Cafe Large Triangle shawl. I'm almost at 100 rows, 100 more to go. It doesn't look like it'll be big but I assume that somewhere along the 120-150 mark it'll get there. And since I have 1320 yards of the color I obviously can always add more.
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So there you have it. I'm off for knitting prior to work (wish me luck there) enjoy your days.


Psyched2Knit said...

I LOVE your bamboo sweater. It really looks great! P2K

TheWench said...

yea! thank you, I was a little worried about it falling off...I think it's that whole, "Oh my god I'm wearing string" vs. "I have an awesome shirt"!