Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pictorial Goodness!

It was a good day today. A very good day. But re-winding to yesterday:

Here is the Cherry Tree Hill I got from The Loopy Ewe for becoming a Groupy:
It's called "Salt Water Taffey!
Here is my stupid sock (I'm on the ankle of the 2nd one-anyone want whatever is left?) along with my bea-u-tiful nails that I finally got fixed (acrylics are teh suck).
height="375" alt="DSCN0418" />

(You realize Pquetsch I'm taking my time to just be a tease right? )

And then!!!! Today saw me sitting my computer f-5ing on Ravelry and my email to see if I got into The Loopy Ewe's Sock Club....You bet I did!!!! There were only 100(approx) Spots avaiable and 500 (ish) people trying to get in. I am a very thankful, lucky lady.

AND THEN! THEN the mail arrived....

And now I am the happy owner of 2 skeins of Wollemise:

Poison Number 5: DSCN0420

And Mitternact (midnight):DSCN0421

And I still have mail coming! My Sarah's Yarns for my SOTS2 and my Yarn Pirate Club which I'm staying in until March (My bargian with god/spirit/karma so I could get into loopy) and 2 books!!!

All I need now is for Matthew to call and tell me where on earth we are going to be living!!!

And oh my god what am I going to knit with the wollemise?


Brena said...

I am sooo jealous!!!!!!