Monday, October 22, 2007

Homework Avoidance

Morning. So I have this homework due and it doesn't look like I'll actually be doing it...Just sayin. So!

Intolerable Cruelty: The knitting is DONE! YES! All I have to do is sew the elastic waist band in and make the little loops for the lacing and I'm all set to go. This isn't the best picture but I'll get more once it's all said and done.
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Now the Pumpkin socks: Broke one of my bamboo needles. sad. Very, very sad. I only knit with 4 at a time so I was able to switch it out using the 5th one, but still. I'm one needle short of a set (lmao).
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And finally! I got my first shipment in of yarn pirate sock club. The yarn is smoochy and I love how soft it is. The colors are not a combo I would have ever picked out for myself but none-the less I'm looking forward to seeing how it's knitted up. It's called "Killer bees". LoL.
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I've joined a KAL for sock knitting/sock yarn de-stash if only because I've always wanted to do a KAL and I'm really looking forward it it!


Brena said...

Ooohhh... the pumpkin sock is gorgeous!

I can't wait to see your finished Intolerable Cruelty.

MissVicki said...

Congrats on being almost finished on your skirt, I bet you have already planned what you will wear with it first, and where too. I love the pumpkin sock, the way the stitches lie decoratively about the gusset is sweet. I'd like to try that and I'll have plenty of opportunity seeing as I have just joined my first sock KAL too :-)