Friday, September 28, 2007


I love fall. I love everything about it (except the spiders). The colors and the rare, cloudy, rainy days like...TODAY! I'm sitting here in my hand-knit sweater (Cable Trim Pullover) and in my hand-knit socks (the first pair I ever made and they are still the most comfortable and fit the best...) and it's cloudy outside! Yea!

My mom and I are going down to a quilt store this afternoon then a Tea Parlor/House to check it out for a possible wedding/reception site.

And it's CLOUDY outside!!!!! Sooo happy!

In knitting news, last night at class I had to rip back 40 rows on the Sparkle Bolero because i read the pattern wrong (cry) but now it's on track and I don't feel like avoiding it like the plague. This is good. I worked on my new sock (just a st-st one they are so easy to do and keep me busy) during most of my classes yesterday...except at the knitting one. LoL. Once I get around to taking them, I'll post pictures of everything. But for now, I'm going to knit and look at the sky. BEAUTIFUL!