Friday, April 16, 2010

10,000 Hours

I finally decided on a project for the whole 10,000 hours idea. That's where you do one thing for 10k hours and will become a master at it. I decided to learn to draw/paint, all of that art genre. I've a friend who is teaching me some of the basics, I'll take classes and all that. But to start off my friend had me draw a tree adn human form. I think I did alright all in all.
My First tree! And my first two people:


See? Not too bad for first attempts! I'm pretty pleased with myself all in all. In other news, I finished my S3x in the Knitty Scarf in Malabrigo Ravelry Red:

And am about to cast on a sock in BMFA Grimm's Willow Wren. I'm thinking RPM's since I've never done them before. Of course, I need to get some latin done first. :)