Thursday, July 8, 2010

little Knitting

Well, where to begin.

I've tendinitis in my left arm and I suspect my right arm is getting it too. The doctor put me off from knitting for a month and I've slowly worked at getting back into it. But I can either type or knit, and I assume you all know my preference.

Matthew deployed mid-may and I moved back in with my parents. he's doing well in that he's on a ship for this deployment so things are much less stressful than last. He has however been hideously sick once with a stomach bug and now with some kind of fever/sore throat. Of course the core-men have no clue what's going on and have given him nothing. -_- He's taking night quill of his own accord. But he's safe and that's whats important.

I've been good, reading and embroidering and sewing. I'll do another post soon, once i get pictures (I've had an excellent mail week)taken and all that fun stuff. I walked in my college graduation and have one more class this fall before I graduate! Adn then, matthew will be home and it's our last deployment! I bet you can tell I'm happy!

I hope everyone is doing well!


Jen said...

How is it the last deployment? Is he getting out? Good for you! I hope that your arms feel better, not knitting is no good!

SabrinaGreen said...

Keep it up. Heathrow Terminal 1 Parking

Brooke Higgins said...

Thanks for sharing this information. luton meet and greet