Saturday, November 17, 2007


Well the husband has just left to see the movie Beowulf with a friend (I was invited but it's so not my thing) so I am alone after 16 wonderful days of not alone-ness. Hazza.

Not too much knitting has been done. I frogged the Mad Crazy sicks from Fleece Artist (cry) because it was jsut too think of a yarn for my size 3 DPNs. I did however receive 2 skeins of self-patt yarn from a Fall Swap I did:
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So I started that one. Currently the damn this is on hold because the "frickin dag-gone" stitches kept committing knitting suicide and hurtled themselves off the DPN and I've not had the patience to pick up the 9 or so stitches. Buggers.But the color way is neat: reminds me of the cotton candy vendors at the summer Fairs.

I did a K2P2 scarf for my cousin (male) for x-mas out of alpaca yarn (no pictures because I'm a lazy wench) you think that's enough of a gift or do I need to add something to it? Let me know!

My sock yarn club for Yarn Pirate just shipped on friday so it ought to arrive on Monday (yea!) but have I knit with the first shipment yet? No.
I also have Lisa Souza, STR medium weight, Ocean Wind Knits, Fleece Artist and lots of pretty sock yarn I'd like to knit up but my problem is this:

Some of the sock yarn is lightweight. I've only really knitted with medium weight (Jitterbug, Cherry tree Hill) and so always cast on 48 stitches for my sock patterns. When I did this with the Fleece artist (Madder) the stitches were too loose. SO!! If i knit with smaller needles and lightweight yarn: DO I NEED TO CAST ON MORE STITCHES THAN MY 48?!

If not I'm good to go, if I do I'm so screwed. Math and I are not friends.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, you are going to want to cast on more stitches.

With size 1 needles I cast on 64 for myself, and 80 for my fiance.

As far as the cousin scarf goes... I definitely think it's enough. I mean, if nothing else, it's ALPACA! Plus we all know that scarves take forever and a day.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I wear a size 5.5 shoe and Paul wears an 11.

TheWench said...

Ah yes, I wear a size 7.5/8 so I'd need to cast on way more

Brena said...

With size 1 needles and fingering weight I cast on 60-68 for myself (size 7.5 shoe).

An alpaca scarf is certainly awesome enough!