Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Drink the Night Away

So the hubby wants to go see Saw 4 and some other movie I would absolutely hate, and loathe after he gets off work. Since he has my car and I won't be going anywhere until 10pm at the earliest- I've whipped out the wine to drink while knititng on this "purple bag of boring doom that I really didn't want to make in the first place but it's a christmas gift dammit and I have to do 11 inches, INCHES of st-st TWICE!!!" and listen to Lime and Violet (click their names for their blog-as if you haven't already heard of them. If I've heard of someone that means EVERYONE on the face of this planet already has). It should prove to be amusing. :D

In other news, I've donated a ton of yarn to goodwill (single balls and some cotton I had laying about) and feel much better about the whole stash thing. (as in "the crap is gone" and not "I have too much").


Brena said...

I have a trunkload of stuff for Goodwill. If I don't really love or need something I'd rather give it Goodwill then pay the movers to move it and have to find a new place to put it.