Sunday, December 16, 2007


I've this thing about Sundays. I'm not sure why but about 1/3 of my Sundays leave me feeling melancholy and slightly uncomfortable. No particular reason really but there you have it.

Knitting wise some things are moving trippingly along and others are doing their best to stop. My solstice socks are about half done, one sock is completed and I am working on the st-st park oo the ankle.

This was the first one prior to finish but theres your idea of what it looks like. The yarn is disgustingly splitty and annoying to work with but I do love the color. Hopefully the next shipment of YP is better quality.

My lace shawl is stopped because i made a mistake somewhere and tat means I have to tink back until I find it. Goody. But it is pretty:

Other than those two things I've nothing on the needles. I'm going to start a hat for my husband's liberty buddy for x-mas but I need the yarn for that so it'll be off to the yarn store for me tomorrow.

Perhaps I ought to study for finals or something...bah.


AlanaMarie said...

your shawl is amazing! are those rosewood needles? i love my rosewood needles!