Monday, June 18, 2007


It's official, I've finished my first pair of socks!! I took pictures but alas, I can't upload them tonight. Woe to me-woe to you if I went into details. I'm not sure what to knit next. Should I do a summery tank top in pale aqua green/blue cotton, or should I knit up a sweater to toss over myself after yoga? Yoga, by the way is awesome. I go Thursday nights, and there is a class on Sunday mornings (I take classes through 24hour fitness). I'd like to go to the Sunday morning one, but so far there's always something keeping me from it. Figures.

Where was I? Oh, knitting. I could also start on a Debbie Bliss Bolero I've been eyeballing or maybe start on a blanket using that Irish wool Matthew's mother got me. Speaking of Irish yarn, my boss went to Ireland and brought me back some acrylic yarn. Nice! I haven't gotten it yet (it was a rough weekend, but it was nice of him to think of me. I'm planning on making up a baby blanket out of organic cotton for my cousion's daughter's 1 year b-day, but since I'll be out in Southern Illinois for just about the entire month of august (the heat and humidity will suck I know) I want to wait to start that.

I suppose I could just work on the Cable Trim Pullover (read: meh to it atm) but I like to have 2 projects going at once. I could knit more socks, there is always that available to me. Who can say?