Oh. My. God. I just plunked down 98.58 for 3 hanks of yarn and a past issue of vogue knitting magazine. Admittedly, it's Alpaca yarn (mist grey) grown at 13,000 ft in the Andes but...still...oh my god.
I blame: Coloursknits for doing such a nice job on hers that I HAD TO HAVE THAT PULLOVER. Really. HAD TO HAVE. So I called up my favorite yarn store and asked if they had it (the magazine) and (of course) they did (they have patterns from decades ago-neat). I was fully going to only buy the pattern since I'm still working on my Bamboo shirt and my mom wants a felted bad for Mother's Day but...but... The most beauteous yarn, jumped out at me and said, "You NEED me. I'm the one for you." I trust my instincts (and yarn jumping at me) and bought it. Holy Mother of God. So I put that sucker on my credit card. I figure these 3 projects will keep me occupied for a while. The yarn, is soft, soft like butter and a lovely dark Grey. Pictures to come later.
In other news, I got my official acceptance letter in the mail from CSULB! YES!!!!!