Monday, April 30, 2007

Bamboo Shirt

Tonight is my knitting class (in an hour or so) and I've knitted up most of the front of my Bamboo shirt, I just have to start the decreases etc.. I've also started on my mom's felted bag and have worked it up a few inches. Yea. I'm really tired right now and really don't want to go to my knititng class (so sleepy)'s my knitting class!

Since I'm living on campus come this fall (neat!) I'm not sure if I'll be able to continue at my Monday night knitting class. I might have to switch to Thursday nights but that would be with a whole different group of ladies (who I am sure are all really nice) and i like the one's in my class now. If I can finagle my school schedule around so that I'm going to school Tuesday-Friday, I'd be set...but...I don't think there's many Wednesday only classes. Worry worry worry. mabey i ought to take a nap before class. That sounds lovely.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Alpaca Joy

Oh. My. God. I just plunked down 98.58 for 3 hanks of yarn and a past issue of vogue knitting magazine. Admittedly, it's Alpaca yarn (mist grey) grown at 13,000 ft in the Andes but...still...oh my god.

I blame: Coloursknits for doing such a nice job on hers that I HAD TO HAVE THAT PULLOVER. Really. HAD TO HAVE. So I called up my favorite yarn store and asked if they had it (the magazine) and (of course) they did (they have patterns from decades ago-neat). I was fully going to only buy the pattern since I'm still working on my Bamboo shirt and my mom wants a felted bad for Mother's Day but...but... The most beauteous yarn, jumped out at me and said, "You NEED me. I'm the one for you." I trust my instincts (and yarn jumping at me) and bought it. Holy Mother of God. So I put that sucker on my credit card. I figure these 3 projects will keep me occupied for a while. The yarn, is soft, soft like butter and a lovely dark Grey. Pictures to come later.

In other news, I got my official acceptance letter in the mail from CSULB! YES!!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Felted Bag, Long Beach!

So my mom totally loved my felted bag I made (and my dad was all forms of impressed post-felting "You can't even tell it was knitted!") and wants me to make her one for Mother's Day. YES! Finally I'll have something for her (that she'll like for sure) with out stressing over it. That means I'm off to spend more money tonight while at my knitting class. Gee, don't make me or anything. So her bag will be the purple color I used along with light blue and dark blue. I'm glad it's a quick knit (week-ish).

In other news: I got accepted into California State University Long Beach! I found out last Friday via automated voice response (so I haven't gotten the official letter yet) and I also got into housing so I can live on campus! I've been wanting to get into this school since last summer (I had to finish up transfer units first) and I finally did. I'm going to Major in History (European) and possibly get a teaching credential. Hazza! I'm excited. Can you tell?

And my shirt is going well (the one made of bamboo) I've only got the back mostly done since I was so sick last week, but I'm hoping to have started on the front by class tonight. Have a great day!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finished Projects, New Project

So I really would have updated sooner, but...I got strep throat. Yar. Let me tell you it hurts WAY more than when I was a kid and is affecting my back (which can be pretty bad every now and then thanks to a car accident) which is "the suck".

Anywho So I completed my bag in a weeks time (I'm fast at anything if I enjoy it) and here it is pre-felting: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

That's my mom holding it up. Here's post-felting:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I knew it would shrink but...Wowza! However I have a good teacher and the pattern accommodated for shrinkage so it's still very large (or large enough to hold a few projects). It's just waiting to completely dry then on with the handles.

As for my new project (and 3rd ever-eek):Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I haven't done much because, you know...Strep Throat. I can get one or two rows done then I have to rest. It's annoying the heck out of me. I don't care much for this project because the yarn I'm using is "Just Bamboo" so it's all ribbon-y. Which means the dang thing curls and curls and twists on itself and drives me nuts. I'm obsessive enough that I have to stop and un-wind the thing...Alot. I'm never using ribbon-y yarn again. Harumph. Well I'm off to knit another row before having to rest again. :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Irish Joy!

I am the super lucky reciver of Irish Yarn! Imported from...Ireland. My Fiancee's prents went for a week and his mom (an avid crocheter) brought some back with her for meeeee. Hazza! It's soft white, and loverly. Joy. :D I'll have to post pictures of it later.

Weee! Irish yarn!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Project!

Well I went into my knitting class and received tons of complements on my scarf. *Note to self: When a new knitter brings in something scary, be amazed at her wondrous skill* haha. So my LYS asked me what I wanted to do next and I said, "A bag if it's not too much trouble". So, I'm knitting a felted bag. Woo hoo! It's a huge tote bag (I wanted one for my knitting projects) and is 30 or so inches of the knit stitch. Yar. Just knit. On circular needles. Blast the things, there's no stopping point! I can't just say "One more row" the row never ends! Gah! finally I had to put the needles down because my wrist was hurting, I probably should have iced it but...oh well... I'll post in progress pictures later, for now I'm off to ceramics class to quirk my wrist even more.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Scarf Pictures

Ok, here are a few of the furry Scarf of Doom! pictures. Excuse the action shot o fme, I had to go into the parents room and well, my hair looks a tad insane. :)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Furry Scarf..of Doom!

I just finished the scarf. It's so furry that when it was sitting on the couch I though it was my black cat. I swear I can hear it purr. In any case I just finished it (weaving in the ends too) and now I know I'm going to have to wear the thing. I'm not a furry scarf type of person (I applaud any person who can pull them off) but i know I'm going to wear it because A: It's my first KNITTED thing EVER and B: I just spent hours of my life on this thing. Which isn't so bad since what else would I have been doing anyway? But, you's furry! It does have several things going for it, it's soft, squishy and comfortable around my neck. Ok not so bad. It's even freakishly cold here (I'm in So.Cal) so I can wear it. Nice. At least it'll get some use before I shove it in the closet once it warms up.

What I can take from this experience is that I can knit, and make something not sucky. Watch out world here I come!

....I just hope I don't get in trouble for not waiting for my next class to have cast off....

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Knit1, Purl1, Knit 1, Purl1

My first ever knitting class went well. I guess I caught Dragon Lady on a bad afternoon and everyone has those day's right? Or maybe I astounded her with my savvy knitting prowess. Yeah. That's it. So I am now a knitter! She taught me continental style, casting on, knit and purl and seed/moss stitch. The other lady who was there (who has been going there for 8 years) said to me that usually new knitters do a whole scarf with just the knit stitch before they are comfortable enough to learn more. Good thing I'm a rebel and kept practicing over the weekend no? Granted the stitches are different than when doing it American style but the basic principle is the same. Knit. Purl.

So I'm almost out of the furry yarn of doom and (obviously) no where near the end of said scarf. Which means I'm going to have to buy more today. My main issue so far is that it seems I keep increasing by one (good thing I count all the freaking time) so I have to decrease just about every other row or so. Ugh. ....The yarn is do people cope with this on big projects? I woke up this morning with little strand of fur in my mouth! The yarn was across the room all night unless it remembered it was an animal once, got up and attacked me in my sleep...Which seems un-likely since my cat sleeps right dab-smack in the middle of my bed and would notice something moving about my room. He watches all my yarn like it might make a tasty morsel. Thankfully Ramses only attacks the cheap yarn or yarn I give him scraps from . Hmmm...mabey my cat is trying to tell me something about the cheap acrylic....