Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finished Sweater

(Back to the old template because the new shiny one doesnt let my full pics show).

I participated the the Sexy Knitter's KAL 3rd Quarter Challenge (designers) and so I finished my Indigo Playmate Jacket by Wendy Bernard (Rav link of course). I used 4 of the 8 balls required out of Cascade 220 Superwash. What to do with the other 4? Bah.

It's the smallest size and the mods are only that I didn't knit a belt nor used short rows on the collar-because I don't know how and wasn't all that interested in figuring it out. LoL!



Photo's thanks to my mom. :) So now, I've some plying to do and then I get to wrestle with some lace. Ciao!


carolynswafford said...

Very cute! It looks great on you.

Hattie said...

Gorgeous! It looks fabulous on you too!

Julia said...


Stickchicky said...

I love it! Wish my big butt could get away with only 4 skeins. Hope you're feeling better :-)

Tiny Tyrant said...

Pretty Pretty honey.

SabrinaGreen said...

Keep sharing. Your sweater is looking awesome. Heathrow Terminal 5 Parking