Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finished Sweater

(Back to the old template because the new shiny one doesnt let my full pics show).

I participated the the Sexy Knitter's KAL 3rd Quarter Challenge (designers) and so I finished my Indigo Playmate Jacket by Wendy Bernard (Rav link of course). I used 4 of the 8 balls required out of Cascade 220 Superwash. What to do with the other 4? Bah.

It's the smallest size and the mods are only that I didn't knit a belt nor used short rows on the collar-because I don't know how and wasn't all that interested in figuring it out. LoL!



Photo's thanks to my mom. :) So now, I've some plying to do and then I get to wrestle with some lace. Ciao!

Monday, September 14, 2009

It Bugs Me.

It bugs me when people think that public places are their living room. I know the Yarn Harlot and many others have said it, but good lord it drives me crazy. In fact, it down right pisses me the fuck off.

That being said, this isn't MY living room, so let's go to knitting content!

I'm soooo close to being done with my indigo playmate jacket! I'm picking up the stitches along the front now and have to figure out how to do short rows. I've never doen them before and, due to a lovely cold my hubby gave me, I don't have the brain power to "wrap" (i hear you do that in SW's) my brain around them. But it's so close. :)

Speaking of the hubby, he's doing training for 3 weeks. Boo. On the plus side, I quit my job at Rib Trader. Finally. After almost 10 years (January 2000-Sept 2009) I finally quit. It's such a weight off my shoulder -though the not having a job is trying to take it's place but I intend to enjoy myself first. I plan on taking the next 3 weeks to finish up misc projects, and start christmas gifts (it's that time again!), do school work, and I don't know, meditate/workout/pamper myself. I'm also planning on a few projects for the house while the hubby is gone as a surprise, but I'll wait until later to let you know since he keeps reading over my shoulder. LoL.

Have a lovely evening and I'll have pictures soon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting back into the swing of things.

So my knitting mojo is finally back. (Yea!) I've been working on the Indigo Playmate Jacket (rav link) from Custom Knits by: Wendy Bernard. I'm using Cascade 220 superwash in a heather light blue. It's going to look awesome on me when it's done (my eyes are going to look amazing...) modesty? Moi? I'll have to get pictures shortly. Right now I'm just trying to settle into my school and pick up from the summer. Trying to find a routine. Probably biting off mroe than I can chew. :) It's awesome.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Already?!

Can you believe it? Good Grief. I kind of feel like everyone is just taking a step away from posting or some such. I have because A: I've done no knitting and B: have had absolutely no free time. Thankfully, I passed Latin with an "A" and now am panicking because I'm in the next lvl of Latin and so shouldn't be. >< Ah well. So my regular school has started back up again. Yay. It's been hella hot here, and if I'M saying it's hot, you know it's in the 90's. Blerg.

So, no knitting. I started on a jacket, and had to rip it out, pair of socks, ripped it out, lace shawl, ripped it out. So aggravating. I wondered what I used to do with my free time prior to knitting and it's this: read anywhere from 1-3.5 books in a day (If I dont have work or school), play internet games, hang out with non-knitting friends, do school work and related activities and sleep.

Who knew?