Friday, January 2, 2009

Chevron Scarf

...I get the addiction now. I'm finally making a Chevron Scarf from Last Minuet Knitted Gifts out of BMFA STR Lightweight Blarney Stone (I love that colorway) and Jabberwocky. Gorgeous colors. Here's Jabberwocky:

And I CO'd the scarf around 12, so after 4 ish hours I am here on the scarf:

I'd be further along but I did want to finish:
THis pair of Monkey's. I think it's a Fleece Artist colorway but I am not 100% sure.

But the Chevron scarf? I have a feeling I'll be making a few (not all at once). It also helps me work on my 101 in 1001 list item #79 which is to complete 20 projects from my Ravelry Que. I'd knit more on it but my hands are starting to hurt and I've work soon. Have a great day!

(I'm drooling over the colors).


PatQ said...

They are wonderful scarfs to make. Your colors are beautiful. I've only made one but would do more if I had more time. The socks are lovely too.

AlanaMarie said...

happy new year to you as well, i'm catching up on my 101 in 1001, slowly but surely, mostly knitting and reading i need to focus on, but i'm in school now and thats getting in the way :)

Morandia said...

LOVE the scarf. Great color choice. And the socks look so comfy!

KR said...

The scarf is just GORGEOUS and I am LOVING the yarn. Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog as well! (((HUGS))) - Kristin

Anonymous said...

Just joined Ravelry and found your blog from there, thanks to Blarney Stone! I'd found the Chevron scarf on another blog and fell in love...I am *so* making one as soon as I get my hands on two skeins of Socks That Rock. But...but...I want some Blarney Stone! It's "napping" on the Blue Moon site. *cries* Ah well, I'll just drool over your pictures! :-)