Monday, August 11, 2008

What I've Been Up To

First, I want to say I love my monday knit night group. Even though I've been gone for ever to spend time with Matthew, they hugged me and welcomed me back. And to think I almost didn't go. All I wanted to do was go home a have a good cry but instead went and had a blast. And some of us are meeting up on Friday to check out a yarn store near me. :D

So Matthew left for a month long training on a different base today which means I don't get to see or visit him. I had to drive him down so he could be on our regular base by 3 am and I've been bummed ever since. Things should be looking up soon, but I miss him a ton. The reception out there is sketchy so trying to talk to him on the cell is a little difficult.

So here is what I have been up to. Not knitting (though I've made headway since the last post) but quilting: (the best is last)

First quilt is one I've worked on for a "year". I bought most of the material last year, during one of the time's Matthew was gone (in April 08?) I pieced it together in 5 days, and then put the borders on in one this past month. It's a large queen size measuring in at 111 inches long and is at the quilt shop waiting to become a quilt: It's HUGE!

Here is a christmas one I threw together over 2 days at the end of last month. I'm planning on trying to quilt it at my mom's house tomorrow if I can get the material for the backing but it depends on if I can get to the store in time.

A Halloween one (it's languished for 2 years while I waited to learn how to put binding on):

But my favorite, absolute favorite is the Log Cabin Quilt top I finished for Matthew to take with him to Iraq.


There's even one tiny square with strawberry material at his request. It's at the quilt shop now and they've promised me it'll be done on or before September 25th so that when he leaves, it'll be ready for him to take. Can't get into the mushy stuff right now, but I'm sure you all know I put allot of love and prayers int making it.

On the knitting front, I've almost finished the Spring Thing's Shawl that's an Xmas gift but I'm not sure what to start next. There's a sweater I've my eye on and would like to be able to wear it this winter... Of course, my new spinning wheel comes in tomorrow...Hmmmm


Opal said...

What gorgeous quilts!

Anonymous said...

I'm also glad you came tonight. It was great to see you and we'll be here to try and keep your spirits up!

Your quilts are fantastic! What a wonderful thing for Matthew to take with him. Lucky lucky guy.

Unknown said...

Your quilts are absolutely amazing!

I know that this is small comfort, but all of us in plurk are here for you, during this difficult time. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog via Ravely SOS forum. Your log cabon quilt is beautiful, and the colors are amazing! Best wishes to you and Matthew as he starts his next tour of duty.