Monday, August 13, 2007


We went to Stitches Midwest Saturday evening and then most of the day Sunday. Saturday, I taught my mom how to cast on and knit in the contential style and bought my first pair of STK. Yea! On Sunday, I bought my first drop spindle, roving, 2 skeins of highland wool in a deep blue heathered color, a hank of sock yarn (the name escapes me atm), stitch markers, the book Victorian Lace Today, a head muff ear thingy (I swear I'll get pictures) and a Christmas gift. But, alas, I'm still at the Little Town USA Public library wherein I can't post any pictures. Blah. Hopefully I'll be able to bring my laptop over to my Aunt's house and hi-jack her Internet. :D Then, THEN I can do a huge major post. Including, but not limited to, finished projects, WIP's, and yarn p0rn. Woot! Oh, and update how much I've spent on knitting...Gah...