Saturday, March 31, 2007

Quick Update

I really think the Yarn Harlot is bad for me. Just reading her books gave me the strongest urge to visit a yarn store (not the Dragon lady's that will be soon enough) and buy yarn. So after 24 hours (I'm weak,I know. I love shopping) I went down to Sit N Knit ( and bought me some beautiful yarn. Lust-yarn fix. I bought 2 skeins of Debbie Bliss cashmerino dk and 2 skeins of 100% wool hand-dyed. Can I tell you that was some of the most expensive yarn I've ever bought? $9.90 and $9.00 a skein (respectively). I know some will say that's nothing but up until today the most expensive yarn I've bought was 6.50 (the furry yarn of doom). Soooo $40.00 bucks for 4 skeins. Good lord. Good thing I worked today. Anywhoo here's the yarn in question: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Beautiful no? It did make me think and add a feature to my blog. I'm going to keep track of exactly how much knitting is going to cost me and we'll see how far it goes. Or high I should say. You'll find it to the right of my posts --> that way-->

Although with the cashmerino I think I'm going to crochet with (hey I'm an equal opportunity craftster) and make myself a scarf. or mabey I'll just knit it. Who knows.